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March 29, 2018
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April 2, 2018One question that we are asked at Doggie DoLittle frequently is if a coconut oil is good for dogs? It is a question that is easily answered by just taking a look at the selection in our store. Yes, coconut oil is safe for a dog as long as the proper guidelines are followed.
Coconut Oil Guidelines for Pets
Coconut oil is made up of saturated fats and is considered to be a superfood for the qualities that it brings. It contains Medium Chain Triglycerides which are made up of lauric acid. Lauric acid has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-viral properties and also acts as an anti-inflammatory. It metabolizes quickly to provide extra energy and can aid in weight loss. Benefits with humans also include increased cognitive abilities with patients with Alzheimer’s Disease. Coconut oil is also found in many human beauty products.
For your canine companion coconut oils can have other benefits. It is believed that they can help to aid in digestion and deal with digestive issues as well as reducing coughing and hairballs. If applied topically coconut oils can help with skin issues and can help to reduce allergies and their effects, particularly flea-based allergies. Coconut oil can also make your dog’s coat much glossier and sleeker. By stimulating your dog’s metabolism it can help them to lose weight, increase bone health and prevent (or delay) arthritis. While unproven coconut oil is believed to help with thyroid issues and could also help to prevent cancer though science is still studying this. Older dogs can benefit with improved mental functions and improved brain energy. Perhaps the best thing that coconut oil can deal with is that it helps to eliminate dog odor.
Which Coconut Oil is Best?
Coconut oil is a natural and holistic approach and is a preferred method for people who do not want to use pharmaceutical options. Some dog owners swear by it. The proper coconut oil product should be an unrefined, or virgin, coconut oil and the best are cold-pressed oils which preserves the nutrients better after the mature coconuts are harvested. The jury is still out on the benefits as there is skepticism among scientists and veterinarians about the benefits of coconut oil and it is not a cure-all miracle product (though some people do mistakenly believe that it is). It is also not a substitute for a proper diet and is definitely not a substitute for regular veterinary care.
For anyone who would like to give coconut oils to their dog it needs to be done properly. You should start with small amounts and gradually increase the dosage. If the dosage is too much your dog could develop diarrhea. If it is applied topically it should be done about once a week and the dog should be rinsed off a few minutes later after the oil is absorbed. If you want to know which method is right or even if coconut oil is right for your dog as always consult with your veterinarian.
So Many Beneficial Uses
If you are curious about coconut oil or just want a little bit of information about it come in and visit us at Doggie DoLittle. We stock some of the finest pet care products and foods on the market and coconut oil is no different. This very well could be the next big thing when it comes to caring for your dog as it has long past move past the fad stage. Coconut oil can also be helpful with cats with skin issues and can aid in many of the same issues as it does with dogs but at this time it is included on the ASPCA’s list of people food not to be fed to cats. A fish oil may be better for your feline friend.
Coconut oil for cats – https://www.petmd.com/cat/nutrition/coconut-oil-cats-it-good-idea
Links for the article:
ASPCA list – https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/people-foods-avoid-feeding-your-pets
Before you get a dog, you can’t quite imagine what living with one might be like; afterward, you can’t imagine living any other way. — Caroline Knapp