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April 17, 2018
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April 23, 2018Cannabis is a hot issue right now. For many people they see the benefits that cannabis-based products can bring and are fighting to see those products legalized. Science has proven that there are benefits that can be derived from these plants and the same can be said for our pets through products that contain cannabidiol or CBD.
What is CBD?
CBD affects the endocannabinoid system of receptors located throughout the body and help to keep mammals stable. There are two different types of receptors in the body: CB1 which is in the brain and central nervous system and CB2 which is found in the immune system. When some of these are not producing at optimal levels CBD can make up for that deficiency. CBD is believed to help to control inflammation, stop allergies, control autoimmune issues, boost the immune system and can possibly help to prevent cancer or the spread of cancer. It is believed to possess antipsychotic and anti-anxiety properties as well.
CBD can have benefits for your pets that no other medication can offer. It can help dogs with a lack of appetite, separation anxiety, excessive barking, nausea from car rides, lack of energy, anxiety of riding in the car, muscle spasms, seizures, pain relief, recovering from surgery or an illness, constant pacing, inability to relax, fear of loud noises, grumpiness or aggression. It can help cats deal with other cats, lack of an appetite, fear of the litter box, being in constant hiding, eating inappropriate things, crying for no reason, riding in the car, distress or grumpiness.
We know what you are thinking and no, this is not marijuana. While this is considered to be cannabis CBD oil contains almost no THC. CBD oil does not come from the marijuana plant but instead is derived from hemp. Hemp contains high levels of CBD with no psychoactive or unpleasant side effects like getting high. It is not toxic and is impossible to overdose with. There is one other thing, all CBD oil products containing less than .3% THC are legal in the United States.
CBD for Pets
CBD oil can be administered through a dropper which can put the liquid directly into your pet’s mouth or into their food or treats. It can also be rubbed onto bare skin, inside their ears or placed on their paws so that they will lick it off. Special biscuits are also available as are gel caps and capsules.
Proper grooming can help to extend your pet’s life and make their life more enjoyable. Some pets do not like to travel in a car and a CBD oil may help to make that experience much more palatable for them so they will enjoy a good grooming at Doggie DoLittle. If you are having trouble with your pet for that issue or any of the above issues CBD oil may work for you. It may just make your pet’s life easier and that is a good thing.
If you are unsure here there have been numerous studies conducted though nothing has been finalized. Check out this link to read information about some of these. There are of course dangers like with any product and if you are unsure speak to your veterinarian first before starting any treatment program, but CBD oil can be beneficial. Just check out this testimonial.
Reference Articles:
Testimonial – https://www.rover.com/blog/true-story-cannabis-oil-cat/
Studies – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=cannabidiol
No one appreciates the very special genius of your conversation as the dog does. –Christopher Morley