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August 15, 2017
Brushing your dog’s teeth
October 15, 2017Dogs can get dirty and smelly and just like people. When that happens it is time for a bath. So how often should your dog be bathed? It can vary.
So, how often is the right amount?
There are some dogs that have never had a bath in their life and are fine. There are others that are bathed regularly. Many experts recommend bathing a dog once a month. Some recommend it whenever you can smell your dog walk in the room. Some owners see no need to bathe a dog unless it has some sort of skin problem or bathing is recommended by your vet.
Bathing too often can hurt your dog. It can damage their hair, irritate the skin and increase the chances of an infection. Your dog’s hair generates protective oils and bathing can strip those oils away. Most dog owners use bathtime only to control the odor that their pet gives off, especially if the dog is an indoor dog and may only need to have bath once or twice a year. If your dog spends its day outside getting covered in mud and doing what dogs like to do more frequent bathing is required. The frequency of bathing may also be determined by any parasite control medication that is being administered.
Is it easy to bathe my dog at home?
The ease of bathing can vary. Some breeds, especially long-haired breeds are very difficult to bathe and professional services like Doggie Do'Little may be needed. For your dog, they may enjoy bath time and this is also something that the entire family can take part in. Other dogs will not.
Bathing can be beneficial to your dog for more than just cleaning their coat. You are able to look over your dog’s coat to see if there have been any changes to it. It is easy to spot missing hair, changes of hair texture or any parasites like fleas. With the hair being wet and laying down it is easier to spot changes. If anything is amiss contact your veterinarian immediately.
Is special equipment needed to bathe at home?
Like with any job having the proper equipment is vital. Human shampoo should not be used when bathing a dog. Human skin is much more acidic and canine skin is more neutral. Special canine shampoo products are available. Talk to us at Doggie Do'Little or your veterinarian to see which is right for your pet. Other than that, a backyard with a hose or a bathtub may be all that is necessary.
Does your furry friend need a bath? If they do, give us a ring today at 717-417-6920 to set up your appointment!
Reference Material :
“Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog’s face he gets mad at you? But when you take him in a car, he sticks his head out the window.” — Steve Bluestone